Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Psychology of Addiction

Code: 51161
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: nasl. prof. dr. sc. Renata Glavak Tkalić
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


In agreement with the students enrolled in the course, the lecturer will provide as many teaching elements in English as possible, or in both English and Croatian for mixed groups (i.e., bilingual teaching materials and bilingual exams). Level 2 also includes additional individual consultations with foreign students (as in Level 1) for the teaching elements which will be held in Croatian.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
To acquaint the students with contemporary knowledge about the complex phenomenon of substance abuse and addiction, required to participate in the organization of prevention programs for youth; and also conducting diagnostics, participation in treatment, and the immediate implementation of individual and family counseling.
Learning outcomes:
  1. , Sakoman, S. (2008). Društvo bez droge? Zagreb: Biblioteka Studije.;, , , .
  2. , Glavak Tkalić, R., Miletić, G.M., Maričić, J. (2016). Uporaba sredstava ovisnosti u hrvatskom društvu: Istraživanje na općoj populaciji. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar i Ured za suzbijanje zlouporabe droga Vlade Republike Hrvatske.;, , , .
  3. , Sakoman, S. (2008), Suvremeni pristup liječenju opijatske ovisnosti. Priručnik.;, , , .
  4. , Sakoman, S. (2008) Školski program prevencije ovisnosti. Priručnik.;, , , .
  5. , Sakoman, S. (1995). Doktore, je li istina da trava čisti pluća? Zagreb: SysPrint.;, , , .
  6. , Sakoman, S. (2002). Obitelj i prevencija ovisnosti. Zagreb: SysPrint., , , .
1. semester
PSI (1860) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Psychology

2. semester Not active
PSI (1860) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Psychology

3. semester
PSI (1860) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Psychology

4. semester Not active
PSI (1860) - Izborni kolegiji - Regular studij - Psychology
Consultations schedule:

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