Thursday: 10 - 11, room 018.
Erik Brezovec was born on August, 25th 1992 in Varaždin. He graduated sociology at the Faculty of Croatian Studies University of Zagreb. He got his PhD at the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences in 2021. The topic of his PhD has been Social Inclusion and Exclusion of Alcohol Consumption in Krapinsko-zagorska County.
His area of scientific interest is sociological theory, sociology of knowledge and sociology of addiction. According to his scientific interests he is in the board of Clubs for Treated Alcoholics in Republic of Croatia. He is one of the creators of the coruse Phenomenological sociology and Sociology of Public Health at the Faculty for Croatian Studies, Department for Sociology.
With his collegue, prof. Zoričić he participated on the UNODC's 62nd session in Wienna, 2019.
He is an author of dozen of scientific papers and he participated in more then ten scientific conferences.
Selected publications:
Brezovec, E. (2017). Consumption of Alcohol in Croatian Social Reality; Alcohol as Part of Interaction Ritual Chain. Alcoholism and psychiatry research, 53 (2), 139-146. (ostalo) (Zagreb)
Brezovec, E., Bing, A. i Sršen, A. (2018). Iskustvo i značenje rizika suvremenog društva. Studija slučaja: Refleksija rizika suvremenog društva prema religijskoj zajednici islama u Republici Hrvatskoj. Obnovljeni život, 73. (1), 67-81. (pregledni rad)
Brezovec, E. (2018). Higher Education and the Concurrence of the Students on the Future Labour Market. Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference. Split, Hrvatska.
Brezovec, E., Zoričić, Z. (2017). Socijalni značaj ovisnosti. u Ćorić, B. Šta bi sa socijalnom psihijatrijom. Beograd: Društvo psihoanalitičkih psihoterapeuta Srbije. str. 57-64. (stručni, poglavlje u knjizi) – Beograd
Brezovec, E., Glazer, K. E. (2018). Religious Identity as a contributing Factor of the Integration of Middle Eastern Immigrants into the Croatian society. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 14 (2), 11-29. (znanstveni) (Krakow)
Sršen, A., Brezovec, E., Bačić, A. (2018). Croatian Diaspora in Canada: Students’ Attitudes Toward Studying in Croatia. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 4 (1), 108-122. (znanstveni) (Bukurešt).
Zoričić, Z., Brezovec, E. (2018). Strahovanja adiktologa nasuprot strahovanjima ovisnika. u Ćorić, B. „Strah i savremena psihijatrija“. Beograd: Društvo psihoanalitičkih psihoterapeuta Srbije. str. 141-144 (poglavlje u knjizi) - Beograd
Perkov, I. i Brezovec, E. (2018). Epistemološki potencijal fenomenologije u otkrivanju ideoloških aspekata društvenoga života. Kroatologija, 9 (1-2), 125-138. (pregledni rad)
Zoričić, Z.; Orešković, A.; Brezovec, E. (2018) Prevencija i tretman ovisničkog ponašanja: Kocka, internet i druge informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije // u BOLESTI ZAVISNOSTI: Savremena dostignuća u prevenciji, lečenju i rehabilitaciji / Đukić Dejanović, Slavica (ur.). Beograd: Evropski centar za mir i razvoj, Univerzitet za mir Ujedinjenih nacija, str. 134-137 (poglavlje u knjizi)
Brezovec, E., Zoričić, Z. i Klarić Markus, M. (2019). The Phenomenology of Alcoholism Labelling: the Internalization of the Label in Treated Alcoholics in Croatia. Archives of Psychiatry Research, 55 (2), 173-184.
Jović, L., Brezovec, E. i Sršen, A. (2019). Lokalna politika u Republici Hrvatskoj i doba refleksivne modernosti: primjer lokalnih izbora 2017. godine u gradu Zaprešiću. Suvremene teme, 10 (1), 11-25.