Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Sandro Skansi

About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Sandro Skansi

Associate Professor
Coordinator of the PhD gradute program in Philosophy

Thursday 11:00-12:00

Personal web page:
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Department since:





I am an assistant professor in logic at the University of Zagreb (Faculty of Croatian Studies/Dept. for Philosophy and Culturology).

I am a member of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (from 2015) and, the Croatian Logical Association (founder), the Croatian Philosophical Society (from 2013). I have developed or have supervised development of AI systems in Erste Bank, Iskon, Eurostat, A1 Telecom and HOK Insurance.

My personal webpage can be found here.

My main language is Python. My full CV with publications can be found here.

List of select publications

  • Tolic, A., Boshkoska, B. M. and Skansi, S. 2024. Chrono Initialized LSTM Networks with Layer Normalization. IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 115219-115236 doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3445329.

  • Skansi, S. 2024. Raixe Venete: Culture of the Republic of Venice as an Integral Part of Croatian Culture and National Identity. (Under review)

  • Skansi, S. 2024. The Rocky Road Towards Defining the Mind. (Under review)

  • Šekrst, K. and Skansi, S. 2024. Newspeak and Cyberspeak: The Haunting Ghosts of the Russian Past. U Shei, C. and Schnell, J. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Mind Engineering,  pp. 245-258. London: Routledge.

  • Skansi, S. 2024. Efektivni altruizam kao deskalirana integrativna bioetika. (Under review)

  • Tolić, A., Boshkoska, B. M. and Skansi, S. 2023. Upgrading the JANET Neural Network by Introducing a New Storage Buffer of Working Memory, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 433-459.

  • Kardum, M. and Skansi, S. 2023. Uloga vjerojatnosti u kritičkome mišljenju. U Čitatelj i čitanje u digitalnom dobu, ed. Marijana Togonal and Jasna Čurković Nimac, pp. 146-154.

  • Skansi, S. 2023. Koja je razlika izmedu ChatGPT-ja i štrebera? (Jutarnji list), no. 8, pp. 40-44. https://novac.jutarnji.hr/novac/startup-report/koja-je-razlika-izmedu-strebera-i-chatgpt-ja-15397267

  • Skansi, S., Šekrst, K. and Kardum, M. 2023. Je li matematika humanistička znanost? Filozofska istraživanja, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 321-331.

  • Šekrst, K. i Skansi, S. 2023. Machine Learning and Essentialism. Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce (Philosophical Problems in Science), no. 73, pp. 171-196.

  • Skansi, S. 2022. Tehnike zaključivanja u obavještajnoj analitici. U Kopal, R. and Korkut, D. (eds.) Obavještajna analitika-primjena u nacionalnoj i korporativnoj sigurnosti, pp. 312-325.

  • Skansi, S. and Kardum, M. 2022. A Prolegomenon on the Philosophical Foundations of Deep Learning as Theory of (Artificial) Intelligence. Disputatio Philosophica, vol. 23, no. 1. pp. 89-99.

  • Čurko, B., Kardum, M., Novina, M., Perhat, J. Skansi, S. and Skelac, I. 2021. Filozofija (udžbenik za 4. razred gimnazija). Zagreb: Element.

  • Skansi, S. and Šekrst, K. 2021. The Role of Process Ontology in Cybernetics. Synthesis Philosophica, vol. 36, no. 2. pp. 461-469.

  • Čerkez, N., Vrdoljak, B. and S. Skansi, S. 2021. A Method for MBTI Classification Based on Impact of Class Components. IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 146550-146567.

  • Frković, M., Čerkez, N., Vrdoljak, B. and Skansi, S. 2020. Evaluation of Structural Hyperparameters for Text Classification with LSTM Networks. Proceedings of the 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), pp. 1145--1150.

  • Skansi, S., Šekrst, K. and Kardum, M. 2020. A Different Approach for Clique and Household Analysis in Synthetic Telecom Data Using Propositional Logic. Proceedings of the 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), pp. 1286--1289.

  • Skansi, S. and Kardum, M. 2020. Mogućnost primjena tradicionalnih i suvremenih estetičkih teorija na logičko-matematičke dokaze. Filozofska istraživanja, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 741-760.

  • Skansi, S. Mršič, L. and Skelac, I. 2020. The Legacy of Bulcsu Laszlo: a Lost Croatian Machine Translation Program. U Skansi, S. (ed.) Guide to Deep Learning Basics: Logical, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. Cham: Springer.

  • Skansi, S. (ed.) 2020. Guide to Deep Learning Basics: Logical, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. Cham: Springer.

  • Skelac, I., Kardum M. and Skansi, S. 2020. Logika (udžbenih za 3. razrede srenjih škola). Zagreb: Element.

  • Skansi, S. 2019. Logika i dokazi (drugo izdanje knjige, prvo izdanje kao sveučilišni udžbenik). Zagreb: Fakultet hrvatskih studija i Element d.o.o.

  • Skansi, S. and Lauc, D. 2018. Analogijsko zaključivanje i značenja riječi u višedimenzionalnom prostoru. Filozofska istraživanja, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 5-16.

  • Skansi, S. 2018. General Artificial Intelligence and the Wishful Quest for Cybernetic Emergence. U Applied Ethics and Artificial Intelligence, (ur.) K. Krkač i B. Jalšenjak.

  • Skansi, S. 2018. Introduction to Deep Learning: From Logical Calculus to Artificial Intelligence. London: Springer.

  • Dropuljić, B., Mršić, L., Kopal, R., Skansi, S. and Brkić, A. 2017. Evaluation of Speech Perturbation Features for Measuring Authenticity in Stress Expressions. U Intelligent Information and Database Systems 1 (Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence), (eds.) Nguyen, N. T., Tojo, S., Nguyen, L. M., Trawinski, B., pp. 685-694. New York: Springer.

  • Dropuljić, Skansi, S. and Kopal, R. 2016. Croatian Emotional Speech Analyses on a Basis of Acoustic and Linguistic Features. International Journal of Digital Technology and Economy, no. 2, vol. 1, pp 85-96.

  • Skansi, S. 2016. Neizrazito usvajanje jezika. Metodički ogledi, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 27-36.

  • Dropuljić, B., Skansi, S. and Kopal, R. 2016. Analyzing Affective Elements using Acoustic and Linguistic Features. Proceedings of the Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS) 2016, pp. 201-206.

  • Skansi, S. and Dropuljić, B. 2016. Identifying Reciprocal Payers in Banking Logs using SAT Solvers. IEEE Conference Publications: 39th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), pp. 1500-1503.

  • Dropuljić, Skansi, S. and Mršić, L. 2016. Metodologija estimacije emocionalnih stanja na temelju akustičkih značajki govora. International Journal of Digital Technology and Economy}, no. 1, vol. 1, pp. 59-77.
  • Dropuljić, B., Kopal, R. and Skansi, S. 2016. An Application of Fuzzy Inductive Logic Programming for Textual Entailment and Value Mining. International Journal of Digital Technology and Economy, no. 1, vol. 1, pp. 49-57.

Professional memberships

Scientific interests:

  • Reasoning
  • Deep Learning
  • History of logic and cybernetics in the Eastern Block
  • Philosophy of Mind

Professional memberships:

  • Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
  • Croatian Philosophical Society
  • Croatian Logical Association
  • Veneti nel Mondo

Past employments

Before my current academic position, I worked as a software developer and data scientist, eventually becoming an advanced analytics manager at A1 Telecom. I was also a lecturer in Computer Science at the University College Algebra Zagreb until 2019.