Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Ivan Perkov

About employee

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Perkov

Assistant Professor

Tuesday (10.00 - 11.00)

Department of Sociology
PhD graduation year:
Department since:



Ivan Perkov was born in Split in 1989. He completed his undergraduate studies in Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split in 2010 with the thesis "Politics of Youth in Split" and obtained his Master's degree in Sociology in 2013 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb with the defence of his thesis "The Europeanisation of Croatian Security Discourse". He was also enrolled at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb for the postgraduate specialised course in organisation and management, where he passed all the required exams.

From 2017 to 2021, he completed postgraduate doctoral studies in sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. in 2021, he defended his dissertation on "Social aspects of the waste management system in Zagreb". He received a scholarship from the Faculty for outstanding achievements in doctoral studies.

From 2014 to 2017 he was employed at the Office for Studies and Quality Management at the University of Zagreb, and from 2017 he worked at the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Croatian Studies, first as an assistant (until 2022) and then as an assistant professor in the field of social sciences. His scientific and professional fields of interest are urban sociology, sociology of risk and social ecology. He is an assessor in a number of courses in the Department of Sociology, the most important of which is the course Risk Society, which he created in collaboration with the distinguished Dutch professor Joost van Loon.

For more than a decade he was continuously active in academic journalism and in the editorial board of the Croatian university newspaper Universitas, where he published a series of issues, analyses and conversations with prominent representatives of the academic community. He was involved in the founding of the first Croatian student portal studentski.hr.

He is a member of the Committee for Scientific Projects and the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Croatian Studies, as well as the Council for the Social Sciences and Humanities and the Senate of the University of Zagreb. He also participates in the work of professional associations - he is a member of the Croatian Bioethical Society and the American Sociological Society.

He published a number of articles in scientific journals and proceedings of international conferences and participated as an exhibitor in over 10 international scientific symposia. He is the author of the book Waste society (2022).

He is married and the father of two children.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

List of select publications

Perkov, Ivan; Bogović, Bruno; Krovinović, Stjepan; Šarić, Petar Zagrebački spomenici kao odraz hrvatskoga društva u prostoru i vremenu // Kroatologija, XV (2024), 1; 159-180.

Perkov, Ivan Doktorske stranputice i (post)doktorski sindrom: Prilog raspravi o mentalnom zdravlju doktoranada i mladih doktora znanosti // Filozofija, bioetika i mentalno zdravlje. Zagreb: Centar za bioetiku Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti, 2024. str. 15-27

Brezovec, Erik; Ježovita, Josip; Perkov, Ivan Strukturalno-interakcijske odrednice domoljublja u hrvatskom društvu: povezanost pozitivne i/ ili negativne slike domoljublja i povjerenja u institucije // Nova prisutnost : časopis za intelektualna i duhovna pitanja, XXI (2023), 3; 585-606.

Perkov, Ivan Društvo otpada. Zagreb: Pergamena, Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za integrativnu bioetiku, 2022 (monografija)

Perkov, Ivan Kritička analiza normativnog okvira o gospodarenju otpadom u Zagrebu i Hrvatskoj // Socijalna ekologija 2021.

Perkov, Ivan; Šarić, Petar  Samopredstavljanje na društvenim mrežama // Filozofska istraživanja 41 (3). 2021. str. 627-638

Brezovec, Erik; Ježovita, Josip; Perkov, Ivan Social Cohesion in the Croatian Adriatic: A Comparative Analysis of the Dimensions of Social Cohesion in Istria and Dalmatia // Mediterranean Issues, Book 3:Mediterranean — Impressions, Concepts, Stories. 2021. str. 95-109

Perkov, Ivan; Brezovec, Erik; Ježovita Josip Sociološki aspekti promjena naziva ulica i trgova u gradu Zagrebu od osamostaljenja Hrvatske do danas // Zbornik radova međunarodne znanstveno-stručne konferencije Migracije i identitet: kultura, ekonomija, država / Perić Kaselj, Marina (ur.). Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 2020. str. 135-146

Perkov, Ivan Inicijativa „Čuvamo naš park“ - analiza sadržaja medija na temu intervencije u javni prostor // Kroatologija : časopis za hrvatsku kulturu, 10 (2) 2019, str. 65-83

Perkov, Ivan; Brezovec, Erik Epistemološki potencijal fenomenologije u otkrivanju ideoloških aspekata društvenoga života // Kroatologija : časopis za hrvatsku kulturu, 9 2018, 1-2; 125-138

Perkov, Ivan Coping with Ecological Problems in Cities on the Croatian Coast: Sociological Aspects of the Karepovac Waste Disposal Recovery Process in the City Of Split // Reflections on the Mediterranean / Jurčević, Katica ; Kaliterna Lipovčan, Ljiljana ; Ramljak, Ozana (ur.). Vis: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar; VERN; Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 2019. str. 253-264

Tipurić, Darko; Perkov, Ivan Postgraduate Specialist Study Programmes: A Case of MBA Programme at Faculty Of Economics and Business, Universty of Zagreb // ICERI2017 Proceedings / Gómez Chova, L.; López Martínez, A.; Candel Torres, I. (ur.). Sevilla, Španjolska: IATED Academy, 2017. str. 989-995

Tipurić, Darko; Perkov, Ivan Introducing new study programmes at Croatian Public Universities: a critical review of the institutional framework and decision making processes // 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2016): Proceedings Sevilla, Španjolska: IATED, 2016. str. 5742-5751

Professional memberships

Matrix Croatica

American Sociological Association - International Associate Member

American Sociological Association - The Section on Environmental Sociology

Croatian Bioethical Society

Croatian Philosophical Society