Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

About associate

Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, nasl. doc. dr. sc.

Assistant Professor

Tuesdays: 17:30-18:30 previously announced by e-mail.




Personal data:

E-mail:                ​zpodhrask@fhs.unizg.hr

MB – 369401:    https://www.croris.hr/osobe/profil/34523


1989                     Final Maturity Exams at Classical Gymnasium “Concetto Marchesi” in Padua, Italy

1989-1991           University of Padua, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, History and Religious Studies.

1991-1999           University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, History and Italian Language and Literature double studies. 

1999                     BA Thesis in Communicative Competence and Linguistic Competence in Elementary School under the mentorship of prof. Nives Sironić Bonefačić.

2010                     University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, double major in History and Italian Language and Literature.   

2012-2018           University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Doctoral Studies in Modern Croatian History. Thesis “The pilgrimages and the pilgrims to Loreto and Assisi in the Croatian Maritime Regesta of XVIII century: Anthropological hermeneutics of religious journeys” – supervisor prof. Marko Trogrlić and cosupervisor prof. Stjepan Ćosić.

Languages          Italian, Croatian, English (active); Spanish, French, Latin, Greek (passive)

Work Experience and researching

1999-2005          Establishment and management of her own Company for furniture manufacturing for different international companies (Ikea Sweden, Atelier Italia et al.); recipient of recognition and awards of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia.

2006-2010           Work as interpreter and translator.

2010-2013          Research of the Croatian Maritime Documents of 18th century in collaboration with the Croatian State Archives for the publication of 4.000 Maritime Regesta vol. III.

2013-2017          Work on 4.000 documents of the Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Archivio di Stato di Ancona and of Fano for the publication of Croatian Maritime Regesta of 18th century 3rd vol., for which she received funds from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports in 2015.

2018-2026           Work on 4.000 documents of the Archivio di Stato di Venezia, for the publication of “The Croatian Maritime Regesta of 18th century” 4th vol., in collaboration with Naida-Michal Brandl.

2020-2021-         Teaching Croatian Ships in the Modern Period at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian Studies.


2004                     Award of the Croatian Ministry of Economy for "The achievement of excellent results" in the year 2003, ranking among the first three entrepreneurs awarded in the category of Small Business.

Scientific Promotion and Advancement

2020                     Research Associate in the field of Humanities, field of History.

2021                     Assistant Professor at the Department of History, Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb

Conferences and lectures

2014                     The Female Universe of the Pilgrimage at International and interdisciplinary symposium VIII Mediterranean Roots of Philosophy, Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split and Croatian Philosophical Society.

                              The types and characteristics of Croatian ships in the 18th century on the Adriatic Sea from the 'Croatian Maritime Regesta' I vol. at Festival of the Sea and Maritime Tradition – Fiumare 2014/ Festival mora i pomorske tradicije.

2015                     Egeria: a Mediterranean Pilgrim of the 4th century, IX Mediterranean Roots of Philosophy, Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split and Croatian Philosophical Society.

                              How freely, with what means and whether in the spirit of historical facts and truths the Homeland War is represented in Croatian history textbooks and for future generations. Perspectives and implementation, Croatia – the way to territorial integrity / Hrvatska – put prema teritorijalnoj cjelovitosti, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, with Ružica Ivanković.

2016                     Semitic pre-Judaic religious and symbolic elements in the Mediterranean context, X Mediterranean Roots of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split and Croatian Philosophical Society, Split.

                              Jewish Merchants between the two shores of the Adriatic in the 18th century“…li giudei debbano abitar unidi…”​ The Birth and Evolution of the Venetian Ghetto (1516­-1797), The Medici Archive Project, Beit Venezia and „I 500 anni del Ghetto di Venezia”, Venice, May 5th and 6th.

Types of ships in the 'Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th century' I-II vol at Maritime Museum of Pesaro, Italy – Cultural Landscapes”/ “Paesaggi culturali”, June 19th.

2017                     The Translation of the Holy House of Virgin Mary from Israel, through Croatia to Loreto, XI Mediterranean Roots of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split and Croatian Philosophical Society, Split, April 6th-8th.

Jews as Building Factor of Adriatic and Mediterranean Worlds in the 18th Century, Jews in the Balkans: History, Religion, Culture, Moses Mendelssohn Centre for European-Jewish Studies (University of Potsdam), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split, with Naida-Michal Brandl, Split, May 8-10.

Adriatic Port Jews in the 18th Century, Representation of the 'Port Jew', Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish relations, University of Southampton and Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies and Research at the University of Cape Town, with Naida-Michal Brandl, University of Southampton, England, May 22-23.

2018                     Croatian Maritime Regesta: new documents and primary sources on the Maritime trade in the 18th century, The XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies 2018. Panel “Project for a new research area: Maritime trade from the Eastern and Western Adriatic to the Mediterranean - Jews, merchants and travelers in the 18th century inter-religious trade” with Brandl and Mancuso, Krakow - Poland, July 15-19.

                              Jewish Presence in the Maritime Trade of Grain during the 18th Century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vols. I-III, European Business History Association - 22nd Annual Congress - Session A3: A Maritime Market: Jewish Enterprises and Grain Trade in Early Modern Europe with Naida-Michal Brandl and Piergabriele Mancuso, Ancona, September 6-8.

2019                     The Mediterranean roots of pilgrimages, XIII Mediterranean Roots of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split and Croatian Philosophical Society, Split, April 4-6.

                              The Croatian Maritime Regesta of 18th Century: Newly Published Sources on the Adriatic Daily Life - Ship types as one possible analysis, MARE NOSTRUM / NAŠE MORE (1069. – 2019.) on the 950th anniversary of the first mention of the Adriatic "by our sea", Croatian Maritime Museum of Split, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, The Institute for Scientific and Artistic Work in Split, Split, November 12.

2021                     Is it possible to democratize the dictatorship? Reflections on Croatian state law on the 50th anniversary of the Croatian Spring, The Croatian Spring and Croatian States - on the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of the strike of Croatian university students, Faculty of Croatian Studies, Zagreb November 22-23.

2022                     Izazovi političko-ekonomske emigracije obitelji Čolak-Podhraški od 1966. do 1991./The challenges of the political-economic emigration of the Čolak-Podhraški family (1966-1991), Međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija „Suvremeni usud gastarbajterska naslijeđa Hrvatske“, Zagreb July 15.

                              "Iza bodljikave žice" Nikole Čolaka: predemigrantska iskustva katoličkog povjesničara i filozofa/"Behind the Iron Wire" by Nikola Čolak: the pre-migration experiences of a Catholic historian and philosopher, Hrvatska književnost kršćanskog nadahnuća, Prešućene stranice književnosti u komunističko doba (II), Križevci, October 22.

From Croatian maritime pilgrimages to Our Lady in the Modern Age to the search of Mediterranean’s sacred declined in feminine: shrines and devotions, A Theological-Historical Comparative Analysis of Maritime-Related Spirituality in Malta and Croatia, Conference –December 14.

2024                     Adriatic Seafaring and Ships Compared in the Transition from the 18th to the 19th Century: Methodology and Key Research Questions, 6th Mediterranean Maritime History Network Conference - Centre of Maritime History Institute for Mediterranean Studies (Ims-Forth) Rethymno, 27–31 May.

Invited lecturs

2016                 Tipi navali nei Regesti marittimi croati del XVIII secolo / Types of ships in the Croatian Maritime Regesta of 18th century I-II vol., Paesaggi Culturali at Villi Molaroni, Museo della Marineria, Pesaro, June 19th.

2017                 Routes and sailing ships in the Adriatic of the 18th century at Round of meetings Libri e ricerche a Villa Molaroni, Maritime Museum (Museo della Marineria) introducing the Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th century, Navigation in the Adriatic. Sources, 3rd vol., April 21, Pesaro.

Lecture Routes and sailing ships in the Adriatic of the 18th century and introducing the Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th century, Navigation in the Adriatic. Sources, 3rd vol., at Museo Malacologico of Cupra Marittima, Italy, April 22, Cupra Marittima.

2022                     I Regesti marittimi croati del Settecento: metodologia per l'analisi di navigli/The Croatian Maritime Regesta of the eighteenth century: Methodology for the Analysis of Ships, Seminario di storia e storiografia italiana, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, March 24.

2023                     Jadransko brodovlje u krčkoj luci u 18. st. iz Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta, sv. I-III/Adriatic ships in the port of Krk in the 18th century from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. I-III, History of the Cristo Ressussitato galley, Small Town Hall of the City of Krk, October 7.

Book launches

2017-2018        Nikola Čolak, Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th century, Navigation in the Adriatic. Sources, 3rd vol. / Regesti Marittimi Croati, Settecento, Navigazione nell’Adriatico, Fonti, III vol. ed. Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, 688 p., Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split, Split 2017.

  1. Pesaro: Economie dei litorali e gestione delle risorse” Libri e ricerche a Villa Molaroni, Museo della Marineria, Pesaro, Italy, with Maria Lucia De Nicolò (Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna), April 21, 2017.
  2. Cupra Marittima: Museo Malacologico di Cupra Marittima, Italy, April 22, 2017.
  3. Split: Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split with Stjepan Ćosić, Josip Vrandečić, May 17, 2017.
  4. Zagreb: Catholic University of Croatia with Stjepan Ćosić, Naida-Michal Brandl. Hosted by the Rector Željko Tanjić, November 17, 2017.
  5. Pula: Panel discussion of Department of History: Book launch Nikola Čolak “CROATIAN MARITIME REGESTA - REGESTI MARITTIMI CROATI”, 3rd vol., with Miroslav Bertoša, Elvis Orbanić, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, December 8, 2017.
  6. Rijeka: Institute for Historical and Social Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Rijeka, with Petar Strčić, Slaven Bertoša, Maja Polić, January 29, 2018.
  7. Dubrovnik: The Public Library, with Vesna Čučić (Director of the Dubrovnik libraries) and Vesna Miović (The Institute for Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik), February 13, 2018.
  8. Zadar: The State Archives in Zadar, hosted by Ante Gverić (Director of the State Archives) with Vice Rector of University of Zadar Josip Faričić, Mateo Bratanić and Milorad Pavić, February 27, 2018.
  9. Mali Lošinj: Museum of Apoxyomenos, hosted by the Director Marko Španjol with Slaven Bertoša, April 27, 2018. 
  10. Betina: The Days of Wooden Shipbuilding August 3rd–10th. The book launch hosted by Mirela Bilić, Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding, August 3, 2018.
  11. Krk: Štorija o galiji Cristo Ressussitato – 447. godišnjica Lepantske bitke. Grad Krk: 04.-09. listopada 2018 – Book launch „Regesti marittimi croati – Hrvatski pomorski regesti“, III  hosted by Maja Parentić (Director of the Krk Town Cultural Centre) with Slaven Bertoša, October 5, 2018.

2022                 Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, Navigli adriatici fra le due sponde nel Settecento/Adriatic ships between the two shores in the eighteenth century, ed. Maria Lucia De Nicolò, Maritime Museum of Pesaro: May 15, 2022.

2023                     Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, Navigli adriatici fra le due sponde nel Settecento/Adriatic ships between the two shores in the eighteenth century, ed. Maria Lucia De Nicolò, n. 24. Rerum maritimarum, Department of History, University of Zadar: November 13, 2023.


1991-1999           Texts and books from Croatian to Italian of a historical, artistic and literary nature for professors at the University of Zagreb, private companies, court interpreters and Croatian Radio and Television.

2006-2016          Cooperation with the Agency for External Evaluation of Education:

- proofreading of the Italian state matriculation exams.

- translation and review from Italian to Croatian of the state graduation of the Italian national minority.

- translation and proofreading from Croatian to Italian of the materials for the state matriculation examination of the Italian national minority.

2012.                    Translation into Italian of the book The Parliament of Istria / Istarski sabor / La Dieta istriana, edited by N. Budak, Native Museum of Poreština, 252 pages, on the 150th anniversary of the Parliament of Istria.

2013.                    Translation of the text by prof. Tonko Maroević "La scia dell'onda, il ritmo del volo" for the Theatrum Mundi exhibition by Jagoda Buić at the Museo Revoltella in Trieste as part of the presentation of Croatia as a new member of the European Union.

Translation of the text by prof. Marija Tonković "Signore di città e contadine" for the exhibition Đuro Janeković: fotografo croato, artista europeo at Palazzo Venezia in Rome.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Adriatic Seafaring and Ships Compared in the Transition from the 18th to the 19th Century: Methodology and Key Research Questions

2024., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Navigli dell’Adriatico e dello Ionio in Età Moderna (1650-1850) Jadransko i jonsko brodovlje u novom vijeku (1650-1850) Τα πλοία της Αδριατικής και του Ιονίου στους Νεότερους Χρόνους (1650-1850) Adriatic and Ionian Ships in the Modern Age (1650-1850)

2024., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka; Divari, Luigi; De Nicolò, Maria Lucia; Bratanić, Mateo; Gerassimos, Pagratis;

Translatio Svete loretske kuće: hrvatsko-mediteranska paradigma

2024., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad

Navigli dell’Adriatico e dello Ionio in Età Moderna (1650-1850)

2024., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka; Divari, Luigi
monografija (znanstvena)

Izazovi političko-ekonomske emigracije obitelji Čolak i Podhraški

2024., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad

Kozmos i etos: obzori svijeta, znanosti i društva. Doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, Jadransko brodovlje između dviju obala u 18. stoljeću

2023., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka; Letica, Marito Mihovil
audio/video zapis

"Behind the Iron Wire" by Nikola Čolak: the pre- migration experiences of a Catholic historian and philosopher

2022., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th Century: Recently Published Sources on the Daily Life of the Adriatic – Types of Ships as one of the Possible Analysis

2022., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad

Shipbuilding in Boka bay from Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th century

2022., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad
Godišnjak Pomorskog muzeja u Kotoru

From Croatian maritime pilgrimages to Our Lady in the Modern Age to the search for the Mediterranean sacred declined in the feminine: shrines and devotions

2022., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

I Regesti marittimi croati del Settecento: metodologia per l'analisi di navigli

2022., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Challenges of the political-economic emigration of the Čolak-Podhraški family from 1966 to 1991

2022., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

The Mediterranean roots of pilgrimages

2021., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad
Filozofska istraživanja

Pellegrini e viaggiatori a Loreto nel XVIII secolo d’oltremare... ‘che di Croazia viene’

2021., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad

Names and characteristics of 18th century Croatian ships in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta v. I

2021., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Brandl, Naida Mihal
izvorni znanstveni rad

Kozmos i etos: obzori svijeta, znanosti i društva - Mediteranski korijeni hodočašća

2021., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Letica, Marito Mihovil
audio/video zapis

Jewish presence in the maritime trade of grains during the eighteenth century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. I- III

2021., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Brandl, Naida-Mihal ; Piergabriele, Mancuso
izvorni znanstveni rad
Problemi sjevernog Jadrana

Pilgrimages of Croats by sea to Loreto and Assisi in the 18th century: a historiographic and hermeneutical analysis

2021., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad

Adriatic ships between the two shores in the eighteenth century

2021., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
monografija (znanstvena)

Il progetto per un nuovo ambito di ricerca: il commercio marittimo delle due sponde adriatiche verso il Mediterraneo: Ebrei, commercianti e viaggiatori nei contatti fra le due sponde nel XVIII secolo

2020., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Brandl, Naida Mihal ; Mancuso, Piergabriele

Židovi trgovci, parcenevoli i špediteri na Jadranu u 18. stoljeću iz Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta, I-II sv.

2020., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Brandl, Naida-Mihal
izvorni znanstveni rad
Historijski zbornik

Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae/Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Codex and the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. 4: Emerging project

2020., Brandl, Naida Mihal ; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
stručni rad
Pomorski zbornik

22. konferencija "European Business History Association" (Ancona 6.-8. rujna 2018.) te židovska prisutnost u pomorskoj trgovini žitaricama u 18. stoljeću na sjevernom Jadranu iz "Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta", I.-III. sv.

2020., Brandl, Naida Mihal ; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Mancuso, Piergabriele
prikaz, osvrt, kritika
Problemi sjevernog Jadrana

Mediteranski korijeni hodočašća

2019., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Hrvatski pomorski regesti 18. stoljeća: novoobjavljeni izvori o svakodnevici na Jadranu – vrste brodova kao jedna od mogućih analiza

2019., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
kratko priopćenje

Regesti Marittimi Croati as a Source for Jewish History

2018., Brandl, Naida Mihal ; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Mancuso, Gabriele
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Jewish Presence in the Maritime Trade of Grain during the 18th Century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vols. I-III

2018., Brandl, Naida-Mihal ; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Mancuso, Piergabriele
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

The pilgrimages and the pilgrims to Loreto and Assisi in the Croatian Maritime Regesta of XVIII century: Anthropological hermeneutics of religious journeys

2018., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
doktorski rad

Rotte e velieri nell'Adriatico del Settecento

2017., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Adriatic Port Jews in the 18th Century

2017., Brandl, Naida-Mihal ; Podhraški-Čizmek, Zrinka
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Croatian Pilgrimages to Loreto from the 5000 Documents of the "Croatian Maritime Regesta" in the 18th Century - vol. I

2017., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad

Croatian Maritime Regesta, 18th cent., Sources, Navigation in the Adriatic, III vol.

2017., Čolak, Nikola ; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka (urednica)
monografija (znanstvena)

Jews as Building Factor of Adriatic and Mediterranean Worlds in the 18th Century

2017., Brandl, Naida Mihal ; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

The analysis of communist ‘treatment’ of ideological non-sympathizers in the example of two Croatian Catholic intellectuals: Nikola Čolak and Mirko Vidović

2017., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
pregledni rad (znanstveni)
Crkva u svijetu : CUS

Translatio kuće Majke Božje: od Izraela, preko Hrvatske do Loreta

2017., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Tipi navali nei Regesti Marittimi Croati del secolo XVIII (I-II vol.)

2016., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

The Female Universe of the Pilgrimage in the Mediterranean Context

2016., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
izvorni znanstveni rad

Jewish Merchants between two Adriatic Coasts in the 18th Century

2016., Brandl, Naida Mihal ; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa

Semitski predžidovski vjerski i simbolički elementi u Mediteranskom kontekstu

2016., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Egerija: mediteranska hočasnica IV. stoljeća

2015., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Koliko se slobodno, kojim modalitetima i da li u duhu povijesnih činjenica i istine Domovinski rat predstavlja u hrvatskim povijesnim udžbenicima odnosno budućim hrvatskim naraštajima. Perspektive i implementacija

2015., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka ; Ivanković, Ružica
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Vrste i karakteristike hrvatskih brodova u 18. st. na Jadranu prema I. sv. „Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta“ Nikole Čolaka

2014., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Competenza comunicativa e competenza linguistica nella scuola elementare

1999., Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka
diplomski rad (sveučilišni)

List of select publications


2017                     Čolak, Nikola, Croatian Maritime Regesta. 18th century. Navigation in the Adriatic. Sources / Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nell’Adriatico. Fonti / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela, vol. III, ed. Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka, Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu, Split 2017.

2021                     Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka, Navigli adriatici fra le due sponde nel Settecento/Adriatic ships between the two shores in the eighteenth century, Collana Rerum Maritimarum, n. 24, Museo della Marineria “Washington Patrignani”, Pesaro 2021.

2024                     Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka; Divari Luigi, Navigli dell’Adriatico e dello Ionio in Età Moderna (1650-1850). Jadransko i jonsko brodovlje u novom vijeku (1650-1850). Τα πλοία της Αδριατικής και του Ιονίου στους Νεότερους Χρόνους (1650-1850). Adriatic and Ionian Ships in the Modern Age (1650-1850), Catalogo della mostra Pesaro 27 aprile - 31 dicembre 2024, ed. Maria Lucia De Nicolò, transl. and prefaces Pagratis, Gerassimos & Bratanić, Mateo, Museo della Marineria Washington Patrignani, Pesaro 2024.

2020-2026          Čolak, Nikola; Podhraški Čizmek, Zrinka; Brandl, Naida-Michal, Croatian Maritime Regesta. 18th century. Navigation in the Adriatic. Sources / Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nell’Adriatico. Fonti / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela, vol. IV (in fieri).

Peer-Reviewed Publications

2016                     The Female Universe of the Pilgrimage in the Mediterranean Context/Ženski univerzum hodočašća u mediteranskom kontekstu, Zbornik Mediteranski korijeni filozofije, eds. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split and Croatian Philosophical Society, Split 2016, 165-201.

2017                     The analysis of communist ‘treatment’ of ideological non-sympathizers in the example of two Croatian Catholic intellectuals: Nikola Čolak and Mirko Vidović/Analiza komunističkog 'tretmana' ideoloških neistomišljenika na primjeru dvaju hrvatskih katoličkih intelektualaca: Nikola Čolak i Mirko Vidović, Crkva u svijetu, vol. 52. n. 2, Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Split 2017, 266-303.

2018                     Croatian pilgrimages to Loreto from the 5000 documents of the Croatian Maritime Regesta in the 18th century - vol. I, Almatourism – Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, V. 8, N. 16 (2017), Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, 139-166.

2020                     Jewish merchants, parcenevoli and forwarders on the Adriatic in the 18th century from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. I-II (with Naida-Michal Brandl), Historijski zbornik, 73 (2020), 1; 23-54.

2021                     Names and characteristics of 18th century Croatian ships in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta v. I (with Naida-Michal Brandl), Kroatologija: časopis za hrvatsku kulturu, 12 (2021), 1; 91-145.

Pellegrini e viaggiatori a Loreto nel XVIII secolo d’oltremare... ‘che di Croazia viene’/Pilgrims and travelers across the sea to Loreto in the eighteenth century ... 'who come from Croatia', Scritti per il 90° compleanno di Floriano Grimaldi, Marco Campagnoli, Marco Moroni (eds.), Spazio Cultura, Recanati, 2021, 403-435.

Mediteranski korijeni hodočašća/The Mediterranean roots of pilgrimages, Filozofska istraživanja, 41 (2021), 2, 403–414.

                              Pilgrimages of Croats by sea to Loreto and Assisi in the 18th century: a historiographic and hermeneutical analysis, Writing Journeys across Cultural Borders, Elena V. Shabliy, Kimarie Engerman (eds.), Lexington Books, 2021, 59-88.

                        Presenza degli Ebrei nel commercio marittimo di granaglie durante il Settecento nel mare Adriatico dai Regesti marittimi croati, vol. I-III (with Naida-Michal Brandl and Piergabriele Mancuso), Problemi sjevernog Jadrana, vol. 19, 2021, 11-44.     

2022                     Hrvatski pomorski regesti 18. stoljeća: novoobjavljeni izvori o svakodnevici na Jadranu – vrste brodova kao jedna od mogućih analiza/Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th Century: Recently Published Sources on the Daily Life of the Adriatic – Types of Ships as one of the Possible Analysis, NAŠE MORE "MARE NOSTRUM" (1069.2019.), Radić, Danka (ed.), Hrvatski pomorski muzej Split, Split 2022., 39-134.

Brodovlje Boke Kotorske iz Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta 18. stoljeća (RMC I)/ Shipbuilding in Boka bay from Croatian Maritime Regesta of the 18th century, Godišnjak Pomorskog muzeja u Kotoru, LXIX-LXX (2022), 18-77.

2024                     Translatio Svete loretske kuće: hrvatsko-mediteranska paradigma/The Translation of the Holy House of Loreto: a Croatian-Mediterranean paradigm, VIRTUTE REBUSQUE GESTIS: Zbornik povodom dvadesete godišnjice Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu, Varezić, Nikša; Andrić, Tonija (eds.), Filozofski fakultet u Splitu, Split 2024, 117-140.

Izazovi političko-ekonomske emigracije obitelji Čolak i Podhraški/ Challenges of the political and economic emigration of the Čolak-Podhraški family, Zbornik radova II. Međunarodne znanstveno-stručne konferencije "Suvremeni usud gastarbajterskoga naslijeđa Hrvatske", accepted, in print.

                              From Croatian maritime pilgrimages to Our Lady in the Modern Age to the search for the Mediterranean sacred declined in the feminine: shrines and devotions, Crkva u svijetu, (topic of papers from the conference A Theological-Historical Comparative Analysis of Maritime-Related Spirituality in Malta and Croatia), accepted.

Other Publications

2019                     A new study project: from the Croatian Maritime Regesta to the Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae – new sources for Adriatic and Mediterranean studies in the 18th century (with Naida-Michal Brandl), Zbornik Drage Roksandića, Agičić, Damir; Petrić, Hrvoje; Šimetin Šegvić, Filip (eds), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Zagreb, Zagreb 2019, 487-496.

2020                     Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae/Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Codex and the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. 4: Emerging project (with Naida-Michal Brandl), Pomorski zbornik – Journal of Maritime and Transportation Sciences, 58 (2020), 1; 185-193.

22nd Annual Congress "European Business History Association", 6-8 September 2018 - Ancona and the Jewish Presence in the Maritime Trade of Grain during the 18th Century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta vols. I-III (with Naida-Michal Brandl and Piergabriele Mancuso), Problemi sjevernog Jadrana, 18 (2020), 196-203.

2021                     The project for a new research area: The maritime trade between the two Adriatic coasts towards the Mediterranean: Jews, traders and travelers in contacts between the two shores in the Eighteenth century (with Naida-Michal Brandl and Piergabriele Mancuso), Storia Veneta, 2020.

List of select projects

2010-2013           Project “Publication of the Croatian Maritime Regesta as part of the Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae

2015                     Funding of the Croatian Maritime Regesta of 18th century 3rd vol., from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.

2018                     Member of the organization committee of the “Jewish Studies Winter School”, Inter University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, February 12-15 with Naida-Michal Brandl and Andrea Feldman – “Jews on the move in the Adriatic Area”.

2020                     Member of the organization committee of the “Jewish Studies Winter School”, Inter University Center, Dubrovnik with Naida-Michal Brandl, Andrea Feldman, Piergabriele Mancuso, Marko Trogrlić.

2021-2022          Preparation of the exhibition Tipologie navali dell'Adriatico nei secoli dell'età moderna, (co-authored by Maria Lucia De Nicolò, Luigi Divari), 15.05-28.8.2022, Museo della Marineria, Pesaro.

2021-2026          Head of the international research project CROMARESHIP Adriatic and Ionian Ships in the Modern Age (1650-1850) from Croatian Maritime Regesta / Jadransko i jonsko brodovlje u novom vijeku (1650-1850) iz Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta / Navigli dell’Adriatico e dello Ionio in Età Moderna (1650-1850) dai Regesti marittimi croati / Τα πλοία της Αδριατικής και του Ιονίου στους Νεότερους Χρόνους (1650-1850) από τα Regesti marittimi Croati joint venture of sixteen institutions and twenty collaborators from Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Greece.

2023-2024           Preparation of the quadrilingual Exhibition Adriatic and Ionian Shipping in the New Age (1650-1850), opened on April 27, 2024, for Pesaro città della cultura d’Italia 2024/Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024 in the Maritime Museum of Pesaro (with Maria Lucia De Nicolò, Luigi Divari)) and the four-language Catalog of the Exhibition, which will travel to 15 locations in Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Greece in the period February 2025-May 2026.

2023-2025          Collaborator on the project East Adriatic Sailing Ships Trade in the 19th Century - Peak and Decline by Mateo Bratanić, University of Zadar.